Monday, March 24, 2003

Iraq is just the start

According to an article in the PakTribune, Iran is next. Even scarier is this section:

Sources also revealed that list of countries where replacement of government has been declared essential included Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Cuba and North Korea and from this list Taliban regime has been replaced in Afghanistan while war against Iraq is going on.

Moreover, those 22 countries which are being declared threat to U.S. security could face similar US action like in Iraq if they failed to ensure disarming of their armed organizations and finishing their nuclear arsenal.

Just to repeat that, the Americans have a list of 22 countries where replacement of the government is "essential". I wonder who the other 16 are?

As for what's wrong with America knocking over governments and ruling the world: sure, the governments named are pretty horrible, and (like Iraq) I don't think anyone will cry to see them go, but at the same time I don't think anyone in the countries named wants to be ruled by America. Just like America didn't want to be ruled by Britain in 1776...

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