Friday, February 04, 2005

Democracy under MMP

One of the reasons people supported MMP was to build a more consensual style of government, with parties working together to pass legislation that is broadly acceptable to most New Zealanders, rather than using their artificial majority to ram through laws opposed by the majority of the population.

While some have argued that Labour is conducting "business as usual" (at least in the area of social policy), on this front MMP actually seems to be delivering. According to the Progressives, 80% of all bills have attracted broad support, being assisted by more than one "opposition" party. The result is better legislation that is more in tune with the wishes of the electorate - something that should be the aim of any democracy.

Given this, why would anyone want to get rid of MMP and return to the days when a tiny, ideologically driven clique within the Cabinet could impose massive changes on the country, regardless of what anyone else thinks?

1 comment:

  1. Anti-MMPs are those whose political agenda is so narrow and pandering to their sectarian base, as they haven't got a hope in hell to get it through the proportionally representative way.
    Denmark has been ruled by minority governments for many decades. Result: high satisfaction with their democratic process and ranked as the happiest people in the world. (


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