Sunday, March 13, 2005


The Education and Science Committee is seeking submissions on the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (Approvals and Enforcement) Amendment Bill. 20 copies, by Friday, 15th April 2005, to:

Kirstin Lambert
Education and Science Committee Secretariat
Parliament Buildings

Unfortunately the pilot project allowing submissions to be submitted electronically hasn't started yet, so you'll have to post it.

I am not yet sure whether I will be submitting on this bill, but those of you out there who feel strongly about GE may want to. Submitting on legislation is not difficult; there's a guide here, but if you can't be bothered going to all that trouble, you can simply write them a letter. Democracy works best when people get involved, so please make your opinion known.

Correction: Well, I look like a plonker, don't I? I had posted this notice - without having had time to read the bill - because I had assumed from its title that the bill covered GE. But as has been pointed out in the comments, it actually only deals with hazardous substances. Which makes it rather less interesting...


  1. This bill has nothing to do with GE, its all about the other part of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms, eg hazardous substances. Don't look like a plonker and submit on something you have not read.

  2. That's why I said I was unsure whether I would be submitting on it - because I haven't had time to read it yet! I had foolishly assumed from the title that it might be of interest to some readers; looks like I was wrong.


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