well, if one tripped, knocked the other fatter one down, and both hit at the same time, the earth could be knocked out of orbit.... not so sure about this, but i bet i could get my friend from hon. phys to do the math on how fast they would have to be moving... now if your trying to promote gay marriage, why not put two fineass women in the picture, not two large sea mammels, who could easily be mistaken for being gay and not lesbian?
well, if one tripped, knocked the other fatter one down, and both hit at the same time, the earth could be knocked out of orbit.... not so sure about this, but i bet i could get my friend from hon. phys to do the math on how fast they would have to be moving... now if your trying to promote gay marriage, why not put two fineass women in the picture, not two large sea mammels, who could easily be mistaken for being gay and not lesbian?