Wednesday, July 27, 2005

New billboard

Stolen from Span, the latest billboard which is doing the rounds at the moment:


Update: Changed hat-tip; as per Jordan's comment, it seems that Span is the original source of infection...


  1. thank you kind sirs.

    i believe i know who the originator of the artwork is, but they probably wouldn't appreciate me outting them. glad it's getting around though!

  2. Well, even I have to admit it's rather clever - even if totally misleading bullshit. Infinitely better than 99% of the lefty parodies doing the rounds - and 100% of Labour's official billboards to date.

  3. ah dearest craig, you give a little with one hand and take a lot with the other. much like the National party ;-)

  4. Of course it's important to clarify here that precisely none of the official National Party billboards have contained any "totally misleading bullshit" at all. Seriously. None of them.

    Or am I missing something?


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