Saturday, August 13, 2005

Liberal Wellington

The Sunday Star-Times' morality survey has shown that Wellingtonians are just more liberal about these things than Aucklanders:

The survey commissioned by the Sunday Star-Times reveals that, while 36 per cent of Auckland respondents disapprove of sex before marriage, only 23 per cent of Wellingtonians do.

When it comes to gay sex, only 26 per cent of Wellingtonians disapprove, compared with 44 per cent of Aucklanders and 41 per cent of Cantabrians. While only 26 per cent of the rest of the country admit they might cheat on their partner, 32 per cent of Wellingtonians think they might stray under some circumstances.

The liberal trend is echoed in other survey results, ranging from attitudes to pornography, drug law enforcement and euthanasia.

I put it all down to the civilising influence of decent coffee.


  1. Hear hear sir

  2. I blame those conservative North Shorians (South Africa anyone?) and the South Auckland Pacific Island churches for skewing the moral landscape. As Johann Hari said, we never require nwe immigrants to check in their anti-liberal attitudes at the border but foster their separateness through multiculturalist moral equivalence.

  3. There's a reason I'm choosing Wellington instead of Auckland.

  4. I thought north shore only had asians... Oh wait.. that might explain it...
    Now Im not sure if Im making a joke or being serious.

  5. I am actually suprised that that many people disapprove of sex before marriage at all. What century is this?

  6. "32 per cent of Wellingtonians think they might stray under some circumstances."

    How is cheating civilised?

  7. Muerk: It's not - it's the other bits that are (here's another: 58% of Wellingtonians approve of gay adoption, vs 37% of Aucklanders, and 42% of Chchians).

    And OTOH, the question that you're responding to is really about falliability, not ethics.

  8. I'm glad you made that statement I/S, that cheating isn't civilised. Because no matter how liberal you are, a partner messing around is very hurtful. I see your point about falliability though.

  9. Muerk - how can anyone pass judgement about right/wrong without understanding the specifics of a given relationship?
    I personally think cheating is wrong in principle, but the wording "think they might stray under some circumstances" opens the field pretty wide.. say you're young, your partner suffers a grave physical accident.. do you divorce them, never have sex again, or cheat? Some people might choose cheat and I'd have trouble condemning them for it.

  10. Huskeynut:

    I don't condemn any person, but I do condemn the behavior. Even when cheating is understandable, it doesn't make it acceptable, as I'm sure the betrayed partner would know.

  11. More importantly, the realm of "hey, this is none of the government's business". Adultery may be bad, but we don't want to get into the habit of throwing people in jail or stoning them for it.

  12. Ice: certainly its worth pointing out hypocrisy (and Don's vote on Stephen Franks' attempt to gut the Human Rights Act is a wonderful example - or else he just didn't think about it), but beyond that I really don't care. It's an ordinary human failing, and I don't expect political leaders to be morally superhuman.

  13. Well said, Ghet.
    There's a couple of problems with morals:
    1. they're generalisations, and reality is wont to be greyer.
    2. they're so rational (as is our culture), whereas such a large part of human nature is irrational.

    The freedom/obligation continuum is a personal choice.. for some people the right to express themselves when and how they want is more important than refraining from hurting someone else.
    So I just don't see that there is any external/objective 'morality' about this. Note I'm saying there's not real cause/effect or damage done, only that there's not an objective right/wrong.

  14. As a card-carrying member of the "complacent latte-drinkers of the chattering classes" (as opposed to what? Paranoid Tui-sluggers of the grumbling classes?) I felt a surge of pride that Wellington was apparently less bigoted than the rest of the country. There may be a link between coffee and liberalism (all those mid-century central European Jewish emigres, perhaps?), but education seems like a more important factor:

    Of course, the whole survey is a pile of crap, not least because it fails to distinguish between morality ("is it right to sleep with so and so?") and ethics ("is it right to hurt or deceive someone?"). Nevertheless, if National voters are so disapproving of infidelity, perhaps Dr Don is having a little squirm right now.

  15. I certainly don't think adultery should be illegal.

  16. No, adultery shouldn't be illegal - but if you've has entered into a civil contract with your partner / spouse / whatever, then it's reasonable for it to be upheld in court.

    E.g. let's say I marry you, and we pledge sexual fidelity ... then I go and sleep with your sister. Bang goes the no-fault divorce, because I'm in breach of my contract. I certainly shouldn't be able to claim any of your property as a result of the divorce, and could in theory be sued for damages.

    This is one of the many reasons I'm so in favour of civil unions ...


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