Friday, September 16, 2005

More National Front thuggery

Two teenagers who drove round the North Shore shooting at pedestrians with an imitation M-16 soft-air gun have pled guilty to firearms charges. Both are former members of the National Front. One has been kicked out, the other had resigned before the incident

because he did not want career prospects damaged by an association with the group

It looks like even the National Front's friends don't want to know them.

1 comment:

  1. Just a couple of points to make on this -

    1) Ross wasn't just a member at the time of this attack, he was the official youth representative and the effective 2nd in charge to Sid Wilson.

    2) Ross has also been charged with the attacks on the Auckland Mosques and cultural centres earlier this year.

    3) Jason is notorious for the many death threats he conveyed to a number of people, including myself.

    For more on this story and Jason and Ross' histories, check out Fight Dem Back! ( )


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