Thursday, September 22, 2005

Someone had to do it

We've all seen the "Jesusland" map, satirising the differences between "red states" and "blue states" in the wake of the 2004 US Presidential election. Well, with a similar (but far more longstanding) divide between town and country in our own, more recent elections, someone just had to do a local version...

Though possibly it could have been Latteland versus Sheepistan...


  1. I'm sure the west coasters will love being referred to as latteland!

  2. This is an electorate-vote map, but I have seen a party-vote-per-electorate map, which has a blue country with red urban dots. But they do not incorporate the party votes of the Maori seats either, I don't think. Would someone be able to roughly factoring the Maori seat party votes into the overall party-vote map, and making us another map? eg through dividing their numbers between the non-Maori electorates they cover?

  3. The Right's advantage is in Sheepistan, but MMP requires holding Latteland. Expect to see the Right campaigning against MMP Prebble's already been at it. Labour may just hand the Right victory on a plate by continuing to dismantle the welfare state and appease the capitalists.

  4. I think a better map would have white as its base, and the relative colours influencing it, so that most electorates would become purple, or a brownish colour if you took the minor parties into consideration.

    Take Northcote for example, where overall the right only beat the left by about 3000 votes. To colour the whole electorate blue is nonsensical.

  5. Can my island, Waiheke, be New Canada's capital? We have the best wines and cafes.

  6. I'd have to disagree with the labelling too. Yes, Ohariu Belmont is capital of Jesusland, which means Epsom is Rodnesia, or some
    such label. However, yes, I like the idea of New Canada!

    As for Habib:
    -No, I wouldn't say that National was as balanced during its last parliamentary term as it was during the nineties. The 2002-5 Nat
    caucus did pander overmuch to
    social conservatives;
    - isn't there a social/pragmatic conservative split? Jim Anderton
    is a pragmatic conservative, and
    certainly not socially conservative on issues outside drugs, sex work and euthanasia;
    - evangelical Christians in NZ
    are political. The Maxim Institute,
    anti-abortion groups, pro-belting
    groups, United Future and the
    Society for Promotion of Community
    Standards are all staffed by
    evangelical Christians.

    Craig Y.

  7. I don't know whether to be impressed or insulted that someone used "New Canada" as some kind of label.

    I'll just laugh it off as humour, for now.

  8. It's a compliment. We're Australia's Canada, apparently, according to one recent US satirical tome...

    Craig Y.

  9. There are a lot of divisions within an electorate, too. I've done a booth-by-booth map of the Wellington region (, and there are a few intriguing patterns that crop up.

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  12. As the author of the NZ Jesusland v0.5 beta (and I emphasise the word beta) I'd have to agree with Craig Y's pointing out of the 'satirical tome'. That tome just happens to be "America: The Book" by Jon Stewart of The Daily Show fame. I believe Clive James once made a similar reference some years ago...

    If anyone has a scan/JPEG/GIF of the party vote map, it'll be much appreciated if someone can upload it somewhere and point me to a Web link of it.

    10/04/2005 07:55:18 PM


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