Friday, October 14, 2005

The Brethren Again

According to this morning's Dominion-Post, the Exclusive Brethren are making a last-ditch effort to get a right-wing government, and have been trying to organise talks with NZ First to put together a coalition. I guess they've figured out that if god is to ordain the right government, they have to help things along a bit. But shouldn't they have done that by voting, rather than trying to play puppetmaster from behind the scenes?


  1. It's a bit of a hoot really. I mean if Labour forms a government does this conclusively prove that God is dead - or that the Brethren's are irrelevant to God.

    - John A

  2. Clearly, it proves that Helen is ordained by god, in much the same way as an absolute monarch.

    We can test this by seeing if she can cure scrofula.

  3. Or that the Almighty has taste,
    and that She doesn't like Tories



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