Tuesday, October 11, 2005


During the election campaign, the Maori Party complained vigorously about Labour Party ads claiming that they had voted with National 227 times and that a vote for them was a vote for a National-led government - and even had a complaint upheld in principle by the Broadcasting Standards Authority. Now, Tariana Turia seems to be doing her best to show that Labour was right after all. Tariana should do the decent hting and admit her complaint was bogus - but I'm not holding my breath...


  1. Yeah I think it is just negoptiating - of course if national bends over entirely it would be rational for them to act in the interests of their suporters and back national (although I think that is almost impossible).
    I think national is trying to help the maori party screw labour also.

  2. JamesP: Of course the Foreshore and Seabed legislation is their reason for existence - and if they can screw that kind of deal out of National, then all power to them. But at the same time, in retrospect their complaining seems a bit rich, to say the least.


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