Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Piracy is the killer app

It seems that someone is putting their Herald premium subscription to good use, and has set up a Herald Premium Content blog. I'm sure the Herald will sic the lawyers on them quickly, so enjoy it while you can.

(Hat tip: Three Point Turn).


The Herald could wind up on a bit of a hiding to nothing. Presumably if they write Google a nasty letter they'll kill the blog off and they might get IP details - then again they might have to subpoena for those.

If the evildoer is sensibly using an internet cafe or prepaid mobile to post that'll get the Herald nowhere - and they'll just put the content up somewhere else.

I wonder if the Herald premium content is watermarked? Converting to plain text and removing extraneous spaces would probably clean any watermarking off, though - it's not like a paper document where you can have miniscule adjustments to kerning, etc.

Posted by Rich : 11/09/2005 12:36:00 PM

it's still humming along as of about ten seconds ago...

Posted by Span : 11/10/2005 08:09:00 PM