Sunday, December 04, 2005

New Fisk

America slowly confronts the truth


Ooh!!! Really great fisk.


The whole article is their opinion about the war in Iraq and how he perceives the media responses.

Then he talks about George Clooney opinion. Like an actor's opinion is better than the average Joe Bloggs man on the street.

Posted by Anonymous : 12/06/2005 12:09:00 PM

What actually occurred accroding to US Marines spokesman Captain Jeffrey Pool.

US Marines spokesman Captain Jeffrey Pool told the AFP news agency the militants had simply fired a rocket propelled grenade at a joint US-Iraqi observation post at 0930 (0630 GMT).

"As of 1400 (1100 GMT), there were no signs of any significant insurgent activity anywhere in the city."

Captain Pool accused the militants of exaggerating the scale of the attack.

"This is clearly a sign of how desperate insurgents have become," he said.

If the US were fighting to seize back control of the city it would of been in the news for days or weeks.

This guy has no credibility.

Posted by Anonymous : 12/08/2005 12:47:00 PM