Monday, January 16, 2006

The left wins in Chile

Michelle Bachelet has won today's presidential runoff election, becoming Chile's first woman president. Official results are here.

Last night after digging up candidate bios for my previous post, I read a little about the 1973 coup and the death of President Salvador Allende. And I'm reminded of a line from Allende's last speech, made as tanks were beginning to surround the presidential palace:

I say to you that I am certain that the seed we have surrendered into the worthy conscience of thousands and thousands of Chileans, will not be able to be reaped at one stroke. They have the power, they can make us their vassals, but not stop the social processes, neither by crime nor by force. History is ours and is made by the people.

With the Chilean left having won every election since the return to democracy in 1990, I'd say that Allende was right.


  1. Woohoo!!!!!!!!! South America moves even further to the left. GREAT NEWS INDEED!!!

  2. So sending the cops to beat up trade unionists and their families and signing free trade deals with the US is your idea of left-wing politics? Hmmm...

  3. It's also significant that she is a separated mother of three and draws some of her support from women who are making up a rapidly increasing percentage of the work force and who support one in three Chilean households.

  4. Wasn't jenny Shipley a mother of three as well? Have responded briefly to this post at:


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