Monday, February 06, 2006

New Fisk

Don't be fooled, this isn't an issue of Islam versus secularism


  1. Interesting to get some more backround on the cartoonist in question:

  2. I must say here that Scott at the Daily Abluton (which I have long read) lays waste to any residual claims Fisk may have to be considered a source of objectivity. Still, to each his poison and to each his preferences.

  3. Of course, if we're talking of definitive Fiskings, then there's always

    Jaysus, how can a middle east specialist get so much wrong? I know where Jesus was born!

  4. mmm.. The Daily ablution starts well then descends into nonsense. I call it half a Fisk. Let's just call it a F__k. ;-)


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