Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Something to go to in Wellington

The Council for International Development's pointseven campaign is hosting a debate on New Zealand's level of foreign aid and whether we need to commit to a timetable to achieve our promise of giving 0.7% of GDP in aid. Speakers include former NZAID Minister Marion Hobbs, National's John Hayes (a former MFAT official), former Progressive MP Matt Robson (who established NZAID as a seperate agency), and political commentator Matthew Hooten.

When: Thursday 24th August, 6pm.
Where: Rutherford House, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University (that's the building right over from the train station).
How much: Free.

Should be interesting.

Update: Added note about Matt Robson. I know he's been a strong advocate for more aid, but I couldn't remember exactly what he was a Minister of, other than Corrections.


  1. Robson was also Minister for Disarmament, back when he was in the Alliance, so it's a pretty safe bet that he doesn't support the kind of aid that actually means more money for the military.

  2. Another free lecture for the Wellingtonians:

    Prof Marilyn Waring presents "Good Cop; New Zealand's Role in the Pacific" Victoria Uni, Wed 16th Aug, 12 - 1:30 Hugh MacKenzie 105.


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