Sunday, August 27, 2006

How many feet can he get in there?

Normally when people stick their foot in their mouth, they stop to take it out before putting the other one in. Not Bob the Builder though - he just keeps right on swallowing. Not content with yesterday's display of bigotry against Muslims, Bob has followed up by targeting gays:

Elaborating on his stance for the Herald on Sunday, he said he could tolerate homosexuality - even though he found it "unusual" and "not normal" - but he objected to gays promoting their sexuality in public.

"If you walk up and down the street picking your nose, you're a bit different, aren't you? You're going to offend somebody.

"Do it in your home if you want to," he said.

"Take that gay parade. They flaunted themselves out there that they're all different than us, and to a certain extent, in my mind, they're trying to make out that we should be the same as them."

Really? I don't see gays telling people that they should hide their sexuality in public, that they should "keep it in the closet", that they should pretend to be gay in order to avoid giving offence. But "hypocrisy" is probably too advanced a concept for someone who finds any sign that someone is different from himself to be disturbing and threatening.

As Helen Clark points out, this is par for the course for National. But most National MPs are usually too smart to say it...


  1. the test then I gues is does he oppose the boobs on bikes thing
    I doubt it (considering his repuation) but maybe

  2. "Really? I don't see gays telling people that they should hide their sexuality in public, that they should "keep it in the closet", that they should pretend to be gay in order to avoid giving offence."

    Really? Read this re the views of th e gay community on "heteronormativity",2106,3763803a11,00.html

  3. James,
    he was standing for the electorate that elected winston - he may well have been told to spout as much rubbish as possible.

  4. Bob DOES represent a particular electorate of buffoons out there. It would be nice if we could dismiss his utterances as just a buffoon talking to buffoons. Unfortunately,as Christian activists instruct us, dim witted buffoonery is very, very dangerous when allied with money, a wholesome lifestyle which doesn't have a lot of excitement and determined organisation.


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