Wednesday, September 20, 2006

On the radio

I'm being interviewed just after 11 by Wammo on KiwiFM about the Brethren's election campaign in Sweden. You can listen online here.

Update: The interview is no online here.


  1. Good interview I/S. You spoke about investigating the social policies of the parties the EBs have supported. I would suggest that you might find more comminality in foreign policy.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sounded good I/S. Well done.

  4. Muerk: yeah, but could you tell I was practically shitting myself?

    I hate interviews. I never feel like I've prepared enough, and the thought of making a dick of myself in front of an audiance fills me with abject terror. Strangely, though, I don't seem to have that when blogging.

  5. "guess who owns the company that prints Investigate magazine? The Exclusive Brethren! Ian Wishart actually revealed as much himself in an editorial last year, so we should at least give him credit for that. I expect he gets a pretty good rate from his printers ..."

    This from Russel Brown.,
    (fix the link I/S).

    Russel, if you are reading, please supply more info. A right wing conspiracy does not have to be "vast" to be effective. All you need is Foreman, Brash, Boag and a few loopy sects to get togther.

    I also wonder who closely aligned with the USA some of these groups are. Before the last election and the "gone by lunchtime" quote was made public representatives of the USA were very confident that the "whole nuclear issue" was close to being put behind us. I wonder why they were so confident?

  6. I also wonder who closely aligned with the USA some of these groups are. Before the last election and the "gone by lunchtime" quote was made public representatives of the USA were very confident that the "whole nuclear issue" was close to being put behind us. I wonder why they were so confident?

    Probably because they thought that the "war on terror" would pull us into line and that we'd bow to them again. Fortunately, they were wrong.

  7. I/S:

    LOL, That first word sounded a bit quiet, but after that you got right on in. I could tell you were nervous, but I think that's because I know you well enough to tell, not because you sounded overtly nervous. You did great. Spoke slow enough and clearly and your answers were specific.

    Go you! And btw, get your perky behind down here and come and hang with us :)

  8. Is it archived, or did we miss it if we didn't hear it live?

  9. noddy - Russell has retracted that statement numerous times.

    On his on blog twice.

    And on kiwiblog when it was linked there (by you?).

    Investigate is not printed by a company owned by members of the exclusive brethren church.


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