Friday, September 01, 2006

Reviewing sedition

According to the latest LawTalk (offline), the Law Commission will be reviewing sedition:

The Law Commission is about to review seditious offences as proscribed by the Crimes Act 1961. The [NZLS Criminal Law] Committee has been consulted on the commission's terms of reference, which are likely to include an investigation of whether seditious offences are required at all, whether the prohibited activity is already caught by other offence provisions and, if seditious offences remain, the form they should take. Prosecutions for sedition are rare and there is therefore very little case law to guide the commission. Once the terms of reference are finalised, the Law Commission aims to publish a consultation draft before the end of the year.

I guess I'll have to get myself a copy; it'll make a nice addition to the Australian review documents, and hopefully be equally informative.


  1. Probably has something to do with Palmer becoming Pres of the Law Comm.

  2. I'm just hoping that he'll stick to the conclusions he made way back in 1988...

  3. Well, I know he's a pretty stubborn supporter of the monarchy...


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