Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Kept at 18

The Sale of Liquor (Youth Alcohol Harm Reduction: Purchase Age) Amendment Bill just lost its second reading, 72 - 49. An excellent end to a great political day. And just to cap it all off, it looks like the Democrats may have won the Senate as well.

Details of the vote will be up as soon as I receive them.


  1. Listening to the debate, I didn't hear a single speech in favour - I missed the first half of them, but I was surprised at how one-sided they seemed to be.

    A friend and I have been running county-by-county extrapolations for the two remaining Senate seats (VA and MT) and currently have a very slim Tester (D-MT) win and probably a Webb (D-VA) win too, although the remaining ballots are absentee so it's a difficult call there. Tester we predict by about 3000 votes. It looks promising.

  2. Tester now leads by 6000 with 85% in, so it seems fairly promising for the Senate victory.

  3. Keep in mind that they're counting Joseph Lieberman is being counted as a Democrat for the purposes of those numbers, but in practice, he's independent.

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  5. In practice, they're all independant, there are very few votes in the Senate that have all democrats one way and all repblicans the other. If Lieberman caucuses with the Democrats and that pushes them to 51 then they have control of committee chairs and control of the agenda. With 60 votes needed to invoke cloture this is the real reason one would want control of the Senate.


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