Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Whangamata decision

The Minister for the Environment, David Benson-Pope, has released his decision [PDF] on the Whangamata marina, granting it resource consent, but with more stringent conditions than those proposed by the Environment Court. The Whangamata Marina Society is of course pleased, and National is calling it "an embarassment for Labour", but I don't think so. As I pointed out earlier in the year, the questions at issue were not questions of facts, but questions of values: the value of a salt marsh, the value of local iwi being able to collect kaimoana, and the value of (some forms of) recreational use. Such questions are the essence of politics, and are things on which people can disagree (in fact, not just can, but will, as there's no universally agreeable way of ranking such values). All the decision tells us is that Benson-Pope values these things rather differently to Carter - and that I'd rather have the latter as Minister for the Environment than the former.


  1. Also questions of fact - will this actually affect the salt marsh? etc.

  2. This is yet another case of a bunch of fat rich men and their fake-tanned trophy wives (who they probably can't satisfy without a double dose of viagra) wanting to push the everyday New Zealander off the beach and into their little crappy DOC reseve with the vandalised toilets and the 30 year old wooden benches and pile of bricks that passes for a BBQ.

    Mick Kelly really need to be exposed as the corporate, kiwi-tradition destroying monster he really is, and the National party should hang its head in shame for yet again eroding New Zealander's rights to enjoy a beer and a BBQ down by the beach.

  3. I'd be as happy to stomp all over those wanting a place to put their boats as anyone else but is not this a case of Carter not following the proper procedure?

    And would it not be politically nieve to think that BP values these things diferently as opposed to valuing the ability to make it go away?

  4. Millsy - All rich men are fat, impotent, and mean spirited just like all lefties are greedy, smelly and unemployed.

    About time you grew up, you bigot.

  5. Michael - look up to the top right of your screen. See that corner? Perfect spot for you to have a little cry about it.

  6. Actually Susan, it's a good place to laugh at the hypocracy of some liberals.

    But don't worry - I've said the same to several conservatives when the boots on the other foot.


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