Tuesday, January 16, 2007

In the days of the comet

In the past, bright comets were regarded as a bad omen and a sign of impending doom. So its somewhat fitting that one has now appeared just as president Bush has ordered his futile escalation of the Iraq war. Coment McNaught is the second brightest comet since serious records began in 1935, and is bright enough to be visible in broad daylight (though I wouldn't recommend trying, as it is very close to the sun). Fortunately, we should all be able to get a good look around sunset over the next week.


  1. well that explains where all the Mooman Trolls have got to...

  2. well that explains where all the Mooman Trolls have got to...

  3. Fairly easy to find just after sunset here in Adelaide at the moment, naked eye visible and a good tail to be seen with binoculars (don't use while the sun is still above the horizon, bad for one's retinae)

    Sometimes visible during the day, depending upon level of glare from the sun, you need a telescope with sun filters or welding goggles, though.

  4. it was great from the south coast of wellington last night. visible to the naked eye (including tale) for some time after sunset but before dark (by then it had dropped into the clouds on the horizon.)

  5. Naturally, it was cloudy here.


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