Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Christians against smacking

The debate over Sue Bradford's Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Bill has been intense, with the pro-smacking side dominated by people best chacterised as fundamentalist Christians (e.g. the Society For Promotion Of Community Standards, familyvalues.net, and of course Destiny Church fuhrer Brian Tamaki). But not every Christian is a fundamentalist, and not all of them support smacking. Those who don't will be holding an "ecumenical prayer vigil" on Wednesday to support the bill, followed by a procession to Parliament to present a letter from Christian leaders in support of the bill.

When: Wednesday, 2 May, 13:00
Where: Wellington Cathedral of St Paul, just up Molesworth St from Parliament.

(Hat tip: I See Red (who also has a pretty picture)).


  1. For what it's worth, people of other faiths and non-religious types are also welcome to attend the prayer vigil.

  2. Idiot/Savant- Are all christians opposed to the anti-smacking/ child discipline bill of sue Bradford fundamentalist christians?

  3. I believe it was Ghandi who said something along the lines of - "If I ever met a person who claimed to be a Christian and in fact truely followed the teaching of Jesus then I too would become one." And as Jesus is reported to have said " There are many who cry "Lord! Lord!" but will NEVER enter the kingdom of heaven.
    The simple fact remains - christianity and almost all other religions are FUNDAMENTALLY Humanitarian in their underlying moral precepts. Where the debate arises is when "traditionalists" fail to allow for the collective development of perceived wisdom by society. There was a very good book published in the 60's called "No New Morality". The sexual freedom of the then new generation was just as challenging for the traditionalists within churches as some are finding the need to rethink their parenting skills today!
    To answer Nicholas's query : No! not all Christians opposed to the Bill are "Fundamentalists", but they are very likely to be conservative in their views, and unlikely to want to think about how things MIGHT be done in a better more HUMANE way. (As I believe Christ would want them to think).

  4. Nicholas: Are all christians opposed to the anti-smacking/ child discipline bill of sue Bradford fundamentalist christians?

    Of course not - but they do seem to be the most vocal strand.


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