Saturday, September 01, 2007

Diluting Agenda

Since the replacement of the insufferably irritating Lisa Owen with the rather-less-irritating-but-not-as-good-as-Simon-Dallow Rawdon Christie, I've started watching Agenda again. Now they're moving it to Sunday mornings - and making some changes in the process:

In addition to in-depth political analysis, and interviews with leading opinion makers, the new-look Agenda will feature news, sport and weather updates and regular arts and entertainment stories.
News? Sport?!? Entertainment?!? So instead of getting a couple of weekly, in-depth interviews about politics, we can get the same lightweight fluff and tabloid pap we get on the nightly "current affairs" shows? Screw that.

The reason I watched Agenda in the first place was the tight focus on politics and that it aimed high. If they're just going to turn it into Sunday-morning Holmes, then I might as well not bother.