Sunday, August 17, 2008

Still dead. Still white. Still male.

When National released its party list in the 2005 election, I criticised it for being overwhelmingly dead, white, and male. The same could be said of their 2008 list. While they have more Maori, Pasifika and "Asian" candidates than last time, they are generally low-ranked, and still significantly under-represented compared to the general population. Meanwhile only 17 women out of 73 candidates make it clear that National still does not take women seriously. Once again, this list does not look like New Zealand; instead it shows that National is still the same rich boys' club it always has been.

As with last election, I've done a table showing the top 61 candidates relative placements with last time. It's interesting to see how some MPs have risen and fallen, and while some (e.g. Chris Finlayson) clearly reflects performance in the House, you really have to wonder what Nicky Wagner and Jo Goodhew did to piss off the party hierarchy. Back the wrong candidate for leader, perhaps?

2008 RankName2005 RankDifference
1John Key7+6
2Hon Bill English4+2
3Gerry Brownlee2-1
4Simon Power3-1
5Hon Dr Nick Smith50
6Hon Tony Ryall60
7Judith Collins12+5
8Hon Maurice Williamson17+9
9David Carter8-1
10Anne Tolley43+33
11Hon Murray McCully110
12Dr Hon Lockwood Smith9-3
13Dr Wayne Mapp14+1
14Chris Finlayson27+13
15Tim Groser13-2
16Steven Joyce----
17Hon Georgina Te Heuheu19+2
18Nathan Guy39+21
19Lindsay Tisch24+5
20Pansy Wong200
21John Carter15-6
22Phil Heatley220
23Dr Paul Hutchison230
24Shane Ardern21-4
25Dr Richard Worth16-9
26Hon Tau Henare29+3
27Sandra Goudie26-1
28Eric Roy37+9
29Dr Jonathan Coleman35+6
30Kate Wilkinson38+8
31Chris Tremain52+21
32Chester Burrows33+1
33Craig Foss44+11
34Allan Peachey30-4
35Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga----
36Hekia Parata----
37Melissa Lee----
38Kanwal Bakshi----
39Jo Goodhew31-8
40Jacqui Dean400
41Paula Bennett45+4
42Chris Auchinvole34-6
43Nicky Wagner28-15
44David Bennett32-12
45Dr Jackie Blue41-4
46Katrina Shanks460
47Colin King42-5
48Paul Quinn----
49Michael Woodhouse----
50John Hayes500
51Simon Bridges----
52Amy Adams----
53Louise Upston----
54Todd McClay----
55Tim Macindoe62+7
56Aaron Gilmore----
57Nikki Kaye----
58Dr Cam Calder----
59Dr Conway Powell55-4
60Stephen Franks----
61Marc Alexander----

Those last two names ought to provide an excellent reason for people not to vote National.

DPF has an analysis of who is likely to be elected (based on current polling) here.