Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Zealand First's list

New Zealand First has so far held off on announcing its party list; now the Chief Electoral Office has done it for them. It's much shorter than last time - only 22 candidates against 40 - and there's been enormous turnover; apart from their former MPs, there is only one candidate who was on the list in 2005. Which suggests the party is seriously in decline. As for the mix, its very much a list of old men, with only 4 women, only 2 of which are in winnable places (assuming they get back in at all, that is). Which simply confirms that NZ First is a party of the past, not the future.

As with other parties, I've done a table showing the top candidates relative placements with last time.

2008 RankName2005 RankDifference
1Winston Peters10
2Peter Brown20
3Ron Mark4+1
4Doug Woolerton5+1
5Barbara Stewart6+1
6Pita Paraone7+1
7Asenati Lole-Taylor----
8Edwin Perry12+4
9Steve Campbell----
10Brendan Horan----
11Melanie Mark-Shadbolt----
12David Scott----
13Tracey Martin----
14Dail Jones10-4
15Brent Catchpole14-1
16Helen Mulford----
17Craig McNair11-6
18Joe Gregory----
19Doug Nabbs----
20John Hall----
21Graham Odering40+19
22Linda King----

Because there's been no formal announcement, there are no candidate details to link to yet; hopefully NZ First will change this soon.