Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Climate change: submit!

The Emissions Trading Scheme Review Committee has called for submissions on its review of the ETS. Two copies, by Friday, 13 February 2009, to:

Committee Secretariat
Emissions Trading Scheme Review Committee
Parliament Buildings
This is an important review, which will decide the fate of New Zealand's climate change policy: whether we protect our environment and live up to our "clean and green" brand, or sacrifice both so that a few dirty businesses can enjoy a few more years of artificial profits extracted by dumping their costs on the rest of us. I encourage everyone to submit and speak up on it. The terms of reference of the committee - which are a useful guide to the issues a submission should address - are here. A guide to making a submission can be found here [PDF]. Unfortunately, you don't seem to be able to submit online anymore, but postage to Parliament is free, and I encourage everyone to abuse it mercilessly.