Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Coming in from the cold"

Over the weekend, Green co-leader Russel Norman gave the party's annual "state of the planet" address, in which he called for a "Green New Deal" and challenged National to adopt specific policies to improve housing, employment and infrastructure while also helping the environment. In doing so, Norman was doing what the Greens have always done: advocated for their policy line, and made it clear they will work with any party - even those they disagree with on pretty much everything else - to advance those policies. That's what they did on climate change, its what they did on waste management, and it's what they did on sedition. And yet somehow, this is being spun by the Herald's John Armstrong as the Greens "coming in from the cold" to support National.

It really makes you wonder which Parliament he's been watching for the past nine years...