Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Election funding: isn't this what they were complaining about?

When Labour passed the Electoral Finance Act, National spent the entire debate banging its shoe on the desk claiming that the law was being rushed. Now, it plans to repeal it by the end of February. And they have only just begun consultations on the interim regime which will replace it. Isn't this exactly the sort of rush they were complaining about?

This does matter. In case anyone's forgotten, we've just had an election, and final disclosure of expenses is due in early March. A rush job will mean mistakes, which could undermine that vital act of post-election transparency. Or, it could result in the police not being able to prosecute for any offences (not that they seem to give a damn about that anyway). If National's 2007 criticisms were sincere and they really are intent on ensuring we have a workable electoral finance regime, then they would show the care they claim was not taken the first time round, and ensure that their actions do not risk undermining transparency. Otherwise, they simply look like posturing hypocrites in a rush.