Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The transformation into Airstrip One contines...

The UK government is moving to a new, points-based system for assessing citizenship applications, which will include points for conforming to "British values". So what are these values? Well, they don't include freedom of speech: participating in anti-war protests will result in applicants losing points - disagreement with government policy apparently now being "unBritish". OTOH, if they do donkey-work for corrupt, self-serving politicians, they could get citizenship in one year instead of three (though given the thrust of the former, it is unclear if this will apply to all political parties, or only those deemed "acceptable" by the government of the day). So, subservience and docility (to the right people) will be rewarded, and dissent punished. As for active, democratic citizenship, it is forbidden. According to the British government, people should just shut up and do what they're told.

Meanwhile, via Charles Stross, the latest outrage: sticking people under constant CCTV surveillance in their own homes to ensure they send their kids to school, go to bed on time, and eat proper meals. Yes, really. Clearly, some UK politicians see 1984 as a guide to policy, rather than a warning. I'm just glad Jenny Shipley never had this idea...