Thursday, September 24, 2009


The usual ballot for member's bills was held today, and the following bill was drawn:

  • Resource Management (Enhancement of Iwi Management Plans) Amendment Bill (Nanaia Mahuta)

The bill has been previously covered in "In the ballot" here.

There were ten new bills in the ballot this week. ACT resurrected its old Parole abolition and Treaty of Waitangi (Principles) bills (yes again), Kevin Hague put up a sustainable fishing bill while redrafting his Adoption (Equity) Amendment Bill, and Rahui Katene's bill removing GST from food finally made an appearance. Meanwhile, we also saw three new bills each from National and Labour - the latter replacing their (now irrelevant0 Auckland referendum bills. I'll bring you some of the new bills in an "In the ballot" post shortly.

The full list of bills is on Red Alert here.