Thursday, November 26, 2009

Stupid as well as wrong

To paraphrase Talleyrand, Phil Goff's morally indefensible playing of the race card is not just a crime - it is a mistake. Despite Labour's dear wishes, the Maori Party is not going to go away. Instead, it looks likely to be a permanent feature of our political landscape. More importantly, it looks to be setting itself up as the swing bloc which makes or breaks governments. That's certainly likely to be the case at the next election, unless the government really screws up.

What this means is that if Labour wants to regain power, it will have to sit across the table from and work with the Maori Party. And that will simply be impossible if they are running on a racist platform. By following Brash's path of cheap racism, Labour is alienating the party it desperately needs to win over. And the result may see it locked out of government for far longer than if it had kept its hands clean.