Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Member's Day

Today is a Member's Day, assuming the government doesn't call urgency, of course. And there's two important bills up for debate.

First is Roger Douglas' Education (Board of Trustee Freedom) Amendment Bill, which would effectively introduce bulk funding for schools. This policy was deeply unpopular last time the right tried to introduce it, back in the 90's, and rightly so - as with DHBs, its just a scam to disguise further underfunding and shift the blame to school boards. And it is likely to be deeply unpopular again. I haven't seen whether National will support it, but given their hostility to the PPTA and NZEI, it would not surprise me in the least. Or maybe they'll be smarter this time...

The second is Carmen Sepuloni's Employment Relations (Probationary Period Repeal) Amendment Bill, which would repeal the 90 day fire at will period. It will fail, of course - but in the process it will force National to justify its policies, expose the rifts between them and the Maori Party on this issue, and signal Labour's intention to repeal this odious piece of law the moment they get into office. And while it may fail this time, Labour will put it up every year, just to remind people that there are alternatives.

A lot of bills have been delayed, so they should run out the Order Paper tonight. Which means a ballot for four bills is likely tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what comes up...