Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Member's day

Today is a Member's day - and the most exciting in some time. The big business is of course the marriage equality bill (which you can show your support for at noon today in Civic Square). But there's other business to get through as well.

First up is the Hutt City Council (Graffiti Removal) Bill, which should whizz through - unless of course the bigots are planning a filibuster. Then its Todd Mclay's nasty little gang-patch bill, before getting onto something with substance: Clayton Cosgrove's asset-sales referendum bill. In the current context, this will be contentious, but thanks to Peter Dunne National will have the numbers to defeat it. After that its Catherine Delahunty's bill on emergency discharge permits, which National will likewise vote down in order to protect polluters. Barring a filibuster, the marriage equality debate should start around 21:00, with a vote around 22:00. The bill has the numbers (even John Banks is supporting it), so the next battle will be at select committee.