Monday, November 05, 2012

Right to the top

Radio New Zealand reports that the GCSB's then-Acting Director, Hugh Wolfensohn, knew about the illegal surveillance on Kim Dotcom. On the one hand, I'd expect him to - the law makes it very clear that any interceptions conducted without a warrant must be carried out "by the Director or with the authority of the Director". OTOH, what it does make clear is that this was not the actions of rogue GCSB agents, but rather an official action of the department, signed off at the highest levels. Which means that there should be no escaping accountability for it. Wolfensohn, who helped write the GCSB Act, misinterpreted it so woefully that you have to either suspect his intelligence, or bad faith. And regardless of whether it was a result of incompetence or malice, he should not be working there any more.