Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The vote

Parliament voted on the second reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill tonight, and passed it 77-44. The Dompost's Warwick Rasmussen tweeted the tally-sheets, and they're up here and here. The first-reading passed 80-40, and the changes were that Labour's Raymond Huo switched from an abstention to a "yes", while National's Brownlee, Coleman, McKelvie and McCully sided with the bigots this time. This shifts the balance in the National Party firmly to the bigots - but then, we knew that, didn't we?

Meanwhile, Labour's Damien O'Connor, Ross Robertson, and Su'a William Sio still voted against the bill. Time to de-select these pricks already. Labour wouldn't accept those spouting racism or sexism, and it shouldn't accept bigots either.