Thursday, June 27, 2013


Well this is embarrassing for the government:
The Auckland Council has come out against the Government's deal for a convention centre to built in return for laws allowing increased casino gambling.

Casino operator SkyCity has agreed to build the $400 million centre, in return for Government concessions that include an extended licence, an extra 230 gaming machines and up to 60 gaming tables.

Thursday's vote does not affect the deal between the Government and SkyCity and is largely a symbolic gesture against the concessions. But the council is also demanding more measures to curb problem gambling and the release of a report on the social impacts of the deal.

Councillor Cathy Casey proposed the vote, which sparked lengthy debate before being passed by 10 votes to 7, and said it reflects anger that the Government has not consulted with Auckland over the deal.

Supposedly this deal is being done for the benefit of Auckland. But Auckland doesn't want it - at least, not with the social harm the government is attaching as a quid pro quo to its cronies. The government should listen to them, and revise the deal.