Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The winds of change

Yesterday, Labour's plans to extend paid parental leave were unaffordable, an example of their fiscal profligacy (you know, the "big spending" which saw them run surpluses for year after year when they were in office). Today, it's all different:
Prime Minister John Key this morning hinted that National is working on its own legislation to extend paid parental leave but for a shorter period than the 26 weeks Labour is pushing for.

Late last year Finance Minister Bill English indicated National was reconsidering its position on Labour MP Sue Moroney's members bill to extend paid parental leave to 26 weeks.

Previously he had said the Government would use its financial veto to stymie the bill which looked like it had the numbers to pass.

This morning however, while Mr Key said an extension to 26 weeks was more than National was willing to support, he said his party may extend beyond the current 14 weeks.

So what's changed, Mr Key? Could it be the polls?

(I like my politicians to be responsive to public opinion like this. What I don't like is them trying to pretend that they're not, and that nothing at all has changed. MPs, this is one of the ways you earn that reputation. If you respond to public pressure, or change your mind on something, please be honest enough to admit it, rather than treating us like morons who won't notice your hypocrisy and deceit).