Monday, February 03, 2014

David Cameron wants all your metadata

Less than a year ago the British government's plans to archive everyone's internet activity metadata so they could perve through it at their leisure fell apart after close scrutiny by Parliament, a withdrawal of support by the LibDems, and finally the revelation that GCHQ was already (illegally) doing it. Now David Cameron wants to revive them. His reasons?
David Cameron wants a fresh push after the next election to "modernise" laws to allow monitoring of people's online activity, after admitting there was little chance of progress before then.

The prime minister told a parliamentary committee that gathering communications data was "politically contentious" but vital to keep citizens safe.

He said TV crime dramas illustrated the value of monitoring mobile data.

Yes, the UK has a Prime Minister unable to distinguish between TV and reality, and willing to undermine everybody's basic human rights on the basis of his fantasy-life. It also has a deep state willing to exploit that and which does not give up on its attempts to erode the liberty of citizens: this idea has been shitcanned by Parliament at least twice in the past decade, and yet they still keep pushing it. Apparently the will of democratically-elected representatives counts for nothing in the modern UK.