"Sir Graeme Douglas, of Remuera", press release (Governor-General of NZ), 25 August 2010:
Sir Graeme Douglas received the Insignia of a Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to philanthropy and athletics. Mr Douglas founded Douglas Pharmaceuticals, one of the fastest-growing pharmaceutical companies in Australasia, in 1967...
Excerpt from National Party return of donations for year ending 31 December 2011:

"Books thrown open on party donations", Stuff, 10 May 2013:
Party donations returns for last year [2012 - I/S] have been released today by the Electoral Commission.
The National Party received $16,849.96 from Wellington's Museum Hotel owner Chris Parkin, philanthropist Graeme Douglas gave $25,000, and Cyril Smith of Fendalton, donated $29,950.
Excerpt from Returns of party donations exceeding $30,000, New Zealand Electoral Commission:

His total public donations before his knighthood? $9600, in 1996. Since being knighted, he's given the party that gave it to him $72,000. You can be the judge of whether that is proper or seemly.