Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Did they get a receipt?

More evidence today that Oravida's $30,000 donation to the National Party was a payment for services rendered:
Oravida donated $30,000 to the National Party just days after Chinese authorities granted the firm the clearance for its milk imports that it had sought NZ Government assistance to gain, says NZ First leader Winston Peters.

Mr Peters released a document from Chinese border control agency AQSIQ to support his claim yesterday as Prime Minister John Key said he was pulling his embattled Justice Minister Judith Collins out of the firing line over the long running Oravida conflict-of-interest affair.

There's a scan of the document in NZ First's press release here. Meanwhile, I'm wondering: did Oravida get a receipt? And will they claim their corrupt political donation as a tax-deductible business expense?