Friday, August 08, 2014

Demographics and fucking John Key

While all the old farts are clutching their pearls at the thought that a young person might ever be angry at the government and express that directly (which really makes you wonder what they were doing when they were young), the Electoral Commission released an interesting graph on enrolment demographics:


The vertical scale is dodgy, but it doesn't change the obvious take-home: if young people actually enrolled to vote, they'd be a demographic as politically powerful and unignorable as pensioners.

Chanting "Fuck John Key" is great. But if you want to do something effective, enrol and vote. The best way to hurt these pricks is to vote them out on their arses.

(And as for former student protester Chris Hipkins, he's nothing but a dirty old hypocrite, and another fine example of how Labour is a party of the status quo)