Friday, September 05, 2014

Another reason to support Scottish independence

UK Prime Minister David Cameron has denied (for a second time) that he will resign if Scotland votes for independence:
Asked on BBC Radio 4's Today programme whether he would resign, Cameron said: "I think it's very important to say no to that emphatically for this reason: that what is at stake is not this prime minister or that prime minister, or this party leader or that party leader. What is at stake is the future of Scotland … I think it is very important for people in Scotland to realise the consequence of their vote is purely and simply about Scotland and its place in the United Kingdom.

"We shouldn't try and tie up in this vote the future of Alex Salmond or me."

Except it is, and his own party says so: Tory MPs are planning to roll him if he "loses" Scotland. So, a vote for independence is also a vote to sack Cameron. Which sounds like a nice combination.

Meanwhile, the Conservatives are now trying to reassure Scottish voters by playing down their chances of winning the next UK election. They know they're unpopular (infamously, Scotland has more pandas than tory MPs), and that fear and hatred of them and their plans to make the UK even more unequal is driving people to vote for independence to protect Scotland's social democracy. But "never mind, we might not win the next election" isn't going to make the long-term values gap between Edinburgh and London (or indeed, between London's bankers and the rest of the UK) disappear. A core problem here is that British democracy is no longer working (if it ever did). It produces unrepresentative governments exercising illegitimate policies. Can you blame the Scots for seeking to escape from that?