Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Support Nicky Hager!

Last Thursday journalist Nicky Hager was raided by police in a blatant attempt at intimidation for writing Dirty Politics. Now he faces a prolonged and expensive legal process to get his computers, data and papers back. Newspapers have lawyers on staff to deal with problems like this, but independent journalists don't. So a friend of his has set up a GiveALittle campaign to help pay for his legal costs:
A dear friend of mine is a good friend of Nicky's and suggested this fund as a way to show our support for Nicky and to send a clear message that we will fight misuse of power in our little democracy. We also need to set a legal precedent that this use of power against journalists is not acceptable. If the legal work is done pro-bono then donations will go to support the work Nicky does as an investigative journalist.

You can donate to it here.