Wednesday, October 22, 2014


This week we've seen the Prime Minister desperately trying to cover up his war plans by pretending that Obama's war-planning meeting was just a "regular" meeting of defence partners which we just happened to be attending. Over on Kiwipolitico Pablo has already told us why this is bullshit, and last night the Chief of Defence Force effectively said the same:
The Chief of Defence and the Prime Minister have been caught at odds as they prepare to send troops into Iraq.

Lieutenant General Tim Keating has admitted a meeting he attended with US President Barack Obama about the war against Islamic State was extraordinary. That's despite John Key claiming it was regular.

Lt Gen Keating was in Washington DC for a meeting of military chiefs, with Mr Obama taking charge.

"The President arriving is not regular; it's quite an extraordinary event," says Lt Gen Keating.

But then he tries to cover for the PM by saying that the NZDF had no clue that Obama would be attending. Which isn't exactly credible either. This isn't some surprise visit to a children's hospital; its a planned diplomatic event. And if our Chief of Defence Force isn't aware of what's happening at the events he's going to, then he shouldn't be representing us at them.