Tuesday, February 03, 2015

The Five Eyes are not my fucking family

John Key wants to send kiwi troops to Iraq, risking their lives and those of every New Zealander by exposing us to a greater risk of terrorist attacks. Britain - an ever-reliable US lackey - agrees that we should. Their reason? Because we're "family":
Britain expects New Zealand to join the international coalition against Islamic militants as "part of the family," visiting foreign secretary Philip Hammond says.

New Zealand troops will go to Iraq to train the army there, and a final decision on the details is expected from Cabinet ministers at the end of the month.

Last month, Prime Minister John Key said joining the 61 nations countering Islamic State extremists in Iraq and Syria was the "price of the club."

Fuck off. I'm not part of Britain's "family". I was born in New Zealand, a democratic country committed to peace and human rights, not that war-mongering authoritarian oligarchy half a world away. The idea that we should simply line up behind our former colonial master is both insulting and dangerous. Sadly, I expect that is exactly what Key will do.