Monday, May 04, 2015

Time to end child poverty

After winning the election last year, John Key made a clear promise to the electorate that he would end child poverty. Now, ActionStation is running a petition campaign calling on him to follow up on those words
Grassroots campaigning group ActionStation has teamed up with UNICEF, Child Poverty Action Group, NZ Council of Christian Social Services, members of the the Equality Network and Tick for Kids partners to launch a petition calling on the government to take real action on child poverty in Budget 2015 by treating all children equally and boosting the incomes of the poorest families in New Zealand.


“The time for that action has come. says Elliott, “In less than a month the Government will release the 2015 Budget, and what our members want is a broad political consensus, with support from all parties, for a Budget that will end poverty for New Zealand children.”

“One in five children in New Zealand live in poverty is not only a national crisis, but also an entirely avoidable one,” says Elliott. “We know what it would take to turn around the lives of hundreds of thousands of New Zealand children living in poverty, and we have the resources to make it happen. What we need is political courage, grounded in strong public support, and that’s where our members come in.”

You can sign the petition here.