Wednesday, August 05, 2015

43,000 unemployed under National

The latest Household Labour Force Survey was released today, showing that despite Treasury projections of a fall, unemployment had risen for the second quarter in a row. There are now 148,000 people unemployed, 43,000 more than when National took office.

So much for the "recovery" - unemployment bottomed out at 5.5% in September last year, and is now going back up, so it doesn't look like we'll be seeing kiwis back in jobs anytime soon. Instead, unemployment seems to be structurally a full 2% higher under National than under Labour. Which is 40,000 more people out of work, their families scraping to get by on a pittance. As for National's "something special", we blinked and missed it. Unless you're a rich MP owning multiple houses in Auckland, of course, in which case you're rolling in it while the peasants starve...