Friday, June 09, 2017

A hopeful result

Voting has finished in the UK election, and the exit poll has been released, showing a hung Parliament. That poll could be wrong, of course - its been out by twenty seats in the past. But even if it is, Labour will have done far better than expected, and the Tories will have barely held what they have. Which means Theresa May's calling of a snap election in the hope of winning a larger majority and a stronger claw for hard Brexit has failed spectacularly. She's probably finished whether the Conservatives retain power or not - so we'll have the sight of more Tory cannibalism to entertain us.

As for Labour: contrary to Blairite dogma, it turns out that social democracy is actually quite popular, and people will turn out to vote for it. Whether its popular enough to cobble together a credible governing coalition remains to be seen, but its still seen them do massively better than predictions. As for Jeremy Corbyn, whether he wins or loses he's been vindicated. His policies were popular, as was his authenticity, and he's turned a predicted loss of seats into an apparent gain. You'd hope this would silence the Blairites, but it won't; the sooner they fuck off and start their own pallid NeoLiberal managerialist party, the better.