Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Just say no to Broadspectrum

National wants to sell 2500 state houses in Christchurch,as part of its plan to exit the state housing sector and make government suck. And who do they want to sell them to? Broadspectrum:
One of the consortiums shortlisted to buy Housing New Zealand homes in Christchurch has links to a company accused of human rights breaches on Manus Island.


One consortium is made up of housing provider, Trust House Limited and Broadspectrum New Zealand, a subsidiary of a larger Australian-based business in charge of operating the controversial Manus Island refugee detention centre.

Broadspectrum, along with the Australian government, this month agreed to a $73 million out of court settlement with detainees after they said they were mistreated.

Where "refugee detention centre" is Australian for "concentration camp where people are tortured, beaten, and neglected". Presumably Broadspectrum would bring the same standard of care it has shown on Manus Island to Christchurch social housing tenants.

This is not a bid we should accept. Instead, Broadspectrum should be banned from operating in this country as long as it continues to operate concentration camps.