Tuesday, September 05, 2017

More dirty dairying

Some farmer has apparently been deliberately polluting a Waikato stream:
A stream has been found running green with effluent in what is described as deliberate dumping.

A tip-off led Waikato Regional Council staff to the stream, west of Otorohanga, on Friday.


Dairy effluent was found discharging into the stream from two different sources.

A formal investigation will be launched and "it is very likely" enforcement action will follow, Lynch said.

"The council is particularly concerned that one of the discharges to the stream appears to have been ongoing and deliberate."

The prosecution is good news - regional councils are usually far too easy about pollution. But I guess in this case it was so obviously a deliberate decision to destroy the environment that they didn't have any choice. And hopefully the farmer responsible will be stripped of their resource consents so they can't do it again.